Step 2 : During the Sapphire installation process, when you are prompted to license the software, choose to “ Enter an existing RLM license” and copy and paste the HOST line from your “activate.lic” license file from the license server. The next time you start up After Effects or Premiere Pro on the client machine, the license should take effect. If you skipped the license installation during the initial installation process, you can follow the instructions below: #Genarts sapphire 6.10 serial pro On Windows 7, go to: Start > All Programs > GenArts Sapphire AE.

No other plug-in suite offers more visual effects and transitions for broadcast, multimedia, motion graphics, or VFX. Select "Install Sapphire AE RLM License". Take your footage from boring to breathtaking in a single click with Boris FX Sapphire plugins for Adobe, Avid, and OFX hosts. On Windows 8 & 10, search for GenArts Sapphire AE.

Select “Install Sapphire AE RLM License ". Open the file with a text editor and paste in the HOST line: On Mac: /Library/Application Support/GenArts/rlm/SapphireAE.lic On Windows: C:\ProgramData\GenArts\rlm\SapphireAE.lic Or you can find and directly modify the client RLM license file located: On Mac, go to: /Applications/GenArtsSapphireAE folder and double click on "Install RLM License". If you want to return the floating license that you have taken back to the license server, close out of the project and After Effects and Premiere Pro.If there are no available licenses on the server, the user will see a watermark.The user will need to wait until a license is returned back to the server before it can grab a license. #Genarts sapphire 6.10 serial serial number.#Genarts sapphire 6.10 serial full version.